I know, I know....I'm supposed to be on a break...
You thought I had left for good, right??
Aw, come on, don't look at me like that...
(hey, Uncle Kenni - doesn't this totally look like "Heeeeey, Jooooe!")
I'm a techie girl ~ every time something cool happened around here, I felt the need to share it with y'all!
When faced with this kind of cuteness, I simply *have* to share, ya know?!
Plus, I like to document all this stuff - yes, even the stubborn defiant moments (they are both supposed to be wearing SHOES for goodness' sake!) - so I can remember how awesome my life is! Especially on the *really* hard days when I feel like giving up.
So I'm back. Mostly. I'm gonna try to focus more on blogging about our day to day life, and less random facebooking - which steals my time quicker than ANYTHING!! How can I spend so much time reading about other people's lives, all the while quietly ignoring my own life?! YUCK....
Hope everyone is doing FABULOUS and is having a terrific spring! My garden is CRAZY ~ pictures to come very soon. Until then, I'm off to live my life with those adorable kiddos up there.....it really is an awesome life!!
**pictures are from our most recent vacation up north**
Welcome back! Great pics!
YES! Papa Albert would be proud! :)
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