Saturday, January 17, 2009

Honesty - 7yob style~

The honesty of a 7yo: humbling yet helpful

My Isaac was eating a late breakfast - all alone with his momma. His siblings had inhaled their own breakfast a bit earlier and were playing happily downstairs.

I grabbed my devotion book & my Bible and told Isaac I was going to read a bit. He nodded - whatever - he was eating waffles.

I read outloud: "...joyful mother of children..."


Isaac looked up (he's ALWAYS listening) - "Momma! *You* have children! *You* are a mother!"

Why yes, Isaac, you are right. I *am* a mother.

(said kind of hesitantly by me): "Am I a JOYFUL mother of children, Isaac?"



"I think you need to work on that, Momma."

Me too, Isaac.

"How can you do that, Momma?"

I'm not exactly sure, Isaac - let's keep reading.....


Kenni B said...

The innocent thoughts of a young boy or God using a willing vessel to speak an encouraging challenge to a daughter He loves so much?

Shari Lyle-Soffe said...

From the mouths of babes. Years ago I learned a harsh lessons when I walked in on my daughter giving her Raggedy Ann doll a spanking before putting her down for a nap. Now rest assured I was not in the habit of doing that to my daughter, but it obviously was her perception of what I did. What a wakeup call that was.

Anonymous said...

joyful or not---you DO have to be a mom, and that's not a popularity contest. You are a great mom and it will all work out fine. love ya

Morgan said...

Kids are so wonderfully honest.