Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's coming up?

Tonight, my dh and I were talking (yes, we were actually sitting down and talking.......amazing!!), and I asked what was coming up in our lives.

Set up for Children's Spring Musical at church.
Friday night, Tech Rehearsal
Saturday, Dress Rehearsal
Saturday, tear it all down so they can have church Sunday morning
Saturday evening, run Elementary program for SVL service
Saturday night, pick up my mom from train station
Sunday morning, church (and last rehearsal)
Sunday morning, Ministry Fair
Sunday, after church, RE-setup musical set & props
Sunday afternoon, last minute set-up/make-up
Sunday 6pm:  PERFORMANCE!!

Monday, home inspection (pray desperately that all goes well during that time)
Monday-Wednesday: ransack home getting ready for our moving sale (my mom will be in town and able to help me during this process - yahoo!!)

have moving/garage sale
celebrate Tali's 4th b-day
pack, pack, pack
close on house
Family Worship Event!!

take possession of home
start Summer Programming at church
get a few things done at new home
start working on finishing basement (yahoo!!)

There's always a million things on the horizon, right?!
So I can only take brief glances at the future ~ just kinda get a overall view of what's coming up ~ then deal with each day as it comes.  Yes, I have to get some bigger projects done - that's important.  Yet I also have diapers to change, baths to give, dishes & laundry never stop piling up, even books to read aloud to small children - and all of that is just as important.  If I start thinking of EVERYTHING that's coming up, I'll go *insane*~

Yes, we've got lots coming up.  I've got tons to do.  But for now, I'm gonna go make up some bread pudding & vanilla sauce (for Dean & I), and a batch of cookies (for the kiddos - ok, and for Dean & I), nurse the baby and watch BOLT! with my babies.

Hey, that's important stuff right there~


Jeni said...

Ain't it grand to "live life?" haha Glad we have a great God walking along with us through all of this.....I quote that verse to myself SO many times....God is not a God of confusion! THANK GOODNESS! See you this weekend several times...haha

Jeni said...

Bread pudding with vanilla sauce?? I LOVE Vanilla sauce!!

Morgan said...

Sounds like you have a lot going on! It will be a sweet breath of relief once your house is closed on and you have everything moved in and semi-unpacked. June will come very quickly!

Dean B. said...

Ya know, Jeni, I was just thinking, " least our life is never *boring*!"

I enjoy a "nothing" day every now and again, but overall, I like our busy days. I feel especially blessed 'cause so much of our busy-ness happens together!! Dean & I get to do so much work and play and hobbies TOGETHER! A lot of the times, we can even do these things WITH our little ones ~ what a blessing!!

See ya...tomorrow, then Saturday, then Sunday morning, then Sunday evening.....;)

marlene said...

lori--just keep swimming. lol Remember to breathe and enjoy your mom. I'm sorry I'm not well enough to help you with anything. I have a seroma area in my incision so it can heal from the inside out. Pray for good results in about two weeks, also on a strong antibiotic to prevent infection problems. love ya.

marlene said...

p.s. that seroma needs to be packed everyday for proper healing.