Just wanted to let everyone know I'm here, I'm well, I'm sore.
I went in for an OUT-PATIENT procedure on Thursday. I got out of the hospital today, Saturday, after 2 procedures, 3 different IVs, and a lot of "clear liquids". Ick.
I'll talk more about it later. Right now I need to get my banana bread/muffins put away, get our comforter out of the dryer and read a few chapters of a new book (ah...). I am *sore*, a bit bruised, held together with steri-strips, swollen and have gas (nice, Lori). But that's okay....
I'm back with my family, I got to nurse my sweet baby today, and I didn't die. Whew~
p.s. do you have any idea how wonderful it is to nurse your sweet lil baby after a few days of pumping?! We missed each other ;)
oh no what happened?
I'm so glad you're home and doing so well. Enjoy your muffins, book and clean comforter. And most of all, being back home with your wonderful husband and children and nursing your sweet little guy.
oh my goodness!
You have to read my blog I wrote a week or two back call "Hospital Visit Gone From Worse to Better". Something like that. I'm dealing with kidney issues right now and it's so frustrating. I want to get better before this new little baby comes in October.
I'm glad you're better! I was doing really great and then the pain has got me again.
Hi Jenny,
I did read that - how awful!! To have a doc think you are lying!?! I kinda worry, if I ever have to ask for pain meds, that they're gonna think I'm some kind of druggy. When I went to the ER with this gall bladder pain, they did not originally give me pain meds. They discharged me, I was in awful pain and called my family doc AT HOME. He told me to go back to the ER and ask for pain meds - how ridiculous!!!
I understand they have to be cautious due to some people trying to abuse drugs, but COME ON people?!!? Now people who are *actually* in pain feel bad asking for needed meds!!
So sorry you had to go through all that ~ I pray you can get pain relief soon and get all this taken care of!
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