Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Not Back-to-School Hop: Student Photo Week

Not Back-to-School Hop: Student Photo Week

(I missed the other two weeks, so I'm hoping to get those up here in the next few days. Go ahead and click on the above link to visit Life with my 3 Boybarians! )

7yo (8 on Saturday)
2nd grade
my sweet boy ~ desires to please ~ loves his lil' brothers & sisters

1st grade
my lil' Momma ~ very helpful ~ emotional ~ loves to sing

the "me-too" toddler
just coming into his own ~ very expressive ~ still cuddly & sweet

5 mo. old
the newest addition
loves his momma's-milk ~ Mr. Drool ~ learning to use those lungs!!


Unknown said...

Aw! What great pictures! You too have a beautiful family! You captured their personalities for sure!! :) Have a blessed school year.

(Looking forward to seeing your other posts too.)

Tina said...

Wonderful pictures!!! How fun to see your kids grow. I remember Isaac in the guest room in the port-a-crib, not sure Selah was even walking...when we first met you. They're all just gorgeous! And loved the embrace the chaos line. I'm here to say embrace it now, because tomorrow the chaos will be completely different...although I must also say, I *so* prefer the chaos of bad teenage-wanna-be attitude and stuck locker to vomit, drool, and diapers. We all have our strengths!

Danielle said...

Such little cuties!

LLJ said...

They make me smile!

Morgan said...

beautiful pictures!