This is the week of "can it be done?"
Can I actually clean my home according to the schedule I currently have on my chores corkboard??
Yesterday was laundry room & mud room, plus all bed linens. So far, so good. Today was kitchen/dining room. It is 11:30 at night, but it's done. I did a good deal of hs'ing today - but hey, I'm *going* to be doing a good deal of hs'ing EVERY day, so I gotta figure out something that will work WITH hs'ing.
Tomorrow is the master bedroom and the living room. Thursday is upstairs (kidzone: so this basically means a lot of vacuuming and minimal dusting - the kiddos have to keep things picked-up regularly). Then Friday is bathrooms - three of them. Our Bible Study meets on Fridays, so I'd like to have the bathrooms all nice & shiny, especially since we now have so many lil' crawlers. Ewwwww....I wouldn't want a gross toilet when they're crawling......
Then Saturday is outdoors (although, my dh decides when a lot of that gets done - maybe on Friday, his other day off).
Just based on the two past days, I'm not sure I can get it all done during the day. I may have to school the kiddos, help them with *their* chores, plus meals & laundry during the day - then attack the cleaning in the evening. I'm just not sure??? I don't *want* to clean in the evenings, so we'll see if I can actually get it in during our busy days.
Lastly, I got this awesome pizza stone recently and we tested it out a few nights ago. Apparently, I didn't put enough cornmeal on the stone, as the pizza stuck pretty bad. I also was dealing with VERY moist dough, so that may have been a factor. Tonight, while cleaning, I made up a new batch of dough (not as moist) and laid on the cornmeal. It was *much* better!!! I am pleased~
Oh, and I also FINALLY got the material cut up for my kitchen valance, runner & two placemats (thanks MOM for getting me the fabric - garage sale, of course - yet brand new!!). I'm hoping to get those done before our Bible Study on Friday (but don't hold me to it, girls, you know how it goes).
Hmmmm.....I wonder....if finally, 5 months post-pardem, if I'm *finally* starting to feel like myself again?? A friend told me it took her longer & longer after each birth ~ I would have to agree. So with #5, it appears to be 5 months (for me, at least).
I've also heard once you have 3 or 4 babies, it doesn't matter how many more you have, it's all the same after that. Um....NO....I would have to disagree. At least for me, each child has added JOY and LOVE and WONDER to our home - yet that have also added work and loss of "extra" time and more mess/busy-ness/CHAOS!! Perhaps it is due to their closeness in age? Perhaps it's just our crazy life and schedule? Perhaps I'm just a wimp? (I'm totally willing to admit that)
Oh feels full and good and hectic and wonderful!
EMBRACE THE CHAOS, right baby???
Each baby had "added" to our family too!! So right now I do the cleaning in bits and pieces wherever it fits.
Totally you have to make me at least one pizza on the pizza stone.
Embrace the chaos...I like that! Life is chaotic, but so incredibly beautiful at the same time. I am someone who is not at all organized and rarely sticks to a schedule, but since it doesn't look like there is going to be a Young 4's program this year, I am very seriously wanting to do some homeschooling with Asher in preparation for Kindergarten next year. His birthday is at the end of October, so he will be one of the younger kids and I really would like to give him a good jump start. In fact, I'd love to have him doing some reading by the time he enters Kindergarten next year. If you have any suggestions for me on materials to use or just some tips on what works best as far as a schedule, I am all ears!
Embrace the chaos indeed! To finish that line, "Because one day your home will be quiet."
Love you hon! You're doing a great job with EVERYTHING!
I've heard really good things about Five in a Row - although I'm not sure what ages that is recommended for (I bet 4yo would be fine).
I use 100 Easy Lessons - but I'm not sure it would be good for a 4yo. I'm sure some people have used it early, so you are more than welcome to check out my book.
The thing I remember hearing the most, when working with young kids is, go slowly - only as *they* are ready. And only for short periods - so maybe some in the morning and then some in the afternoon. If they seem frustrated or nervous or stressed, just stop for a few days/weeks and try again later. The last thing you want is a child who doesn't even *want* to learn!
Fun stuff~~
You are definately NOT a wimp and Dean's right, the house will have a quiet come over it all too hooo! You're so smart to be on a schedule....we have a "home blessing" period each week (stole it from and everyone takes a room and has up to 30 mins. to get things ship shape...mainly PICKED UP! works wonders for me when I'm going CRAZY admist the chaos! haha Aren't we blessed to be SAHM's and have the time to "fit it in!" or try to sound yummo!! enjoyed this post!
Oh, and Brooke, I will *so* make you a pizza on the stone......anytime you want!!
I would like to order a pizza, please. Better make it to go. A long way. Do you deliver???
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