Saturday, November 28, 2009

Did ya think I'd died???

Seriously, it's been a long time, no?

I am *still* coughing!  Yes, I can't believe it.  I think it's a bit of asthma, actually.  It only happens when the cold air hits my lungs outside, or if I do a lot of physical activity.  Weird.  I'm taking my sweet Tali in for some allergy/sensitivity issues soon, so I'll talk to my doc then.

I've got thrush again.  I think my whole body is out of whack, actually.  I think I've been wearing too many hats and simply not taking care of myself.  A gal can only do so much, ya know.....then things start to go downhill.....(check out my sweet Tali in some of her new "play clothes" - aka: really cheap halloween costumes I got for a few bucks - she's so wonderful!!  I used to have Wonder Woman underoos......ah, the memories.....;)


 Dean & I (and some friends of ours) are going to be going through a 13-week (or is it 12?  or 14?  whatever...) program for weight loss/management/dealing with eating issues/etc.  Maybe after the holidays.....when things settle down a bit.  I just feel icky - have for a few years now - and would like to get a handle on things.

In the meantime, I am just too busy to blog!  Crazy, I know.  With hs'ing, child training, meals (we hardly ever eat out now - which is a GOOD thing), housekeeping, Bible & devotions, our small group the regular stuff that goes along with being a ministry family....well, I just can't carve out the time.

Yet I really do enjoy blogging - plus, I like the fact that I can record some of what is going on in my life.  It's like an on-line journal.  I can go back and read about these days, and my children will be able to do that same.  I don't want to stop now ~ when they're all so's a madhouse, but it's awesome!

So I'm gonna try to squeeze some time in here and there.  We've got the basement remodel going on right now, the children's musical at church is this Sunday - so that's almost over (for good.  I just can't do that right now - it about kills me, 'cause I *want* those kiddos to have a choir.....I'm gonna pray like crazy for the right person to step up into that spot!!!!).  We *try* to stay low-key for the Christmas season, doing devotions each night, with scripture, stories, songs and prayer - which is just amazing!!

I need to give my body a chance to slow down and get better.  I need to take better care of myself (starting with this whole weight loss issue).  My husband & I really want to make this a priority - especially since it really HASN'T been (thus the problem).  My kiddos need to see how important our physical health is too!  And I truly believe the Lord wants me to take care of myself.

And seeing as how baby Micah is almost 9 months old and eating solids foods like a madman (so cute!), I'd better get on the ball......I usually love pregnancy, but I was really feeling it last time.  *IF* God wants us to have another baby, I need to take care of my poor body, for goodness sake!!  And if He *doesn't* want us to have more children, I still need to take care of myself for the five beautiful blessings I DO have!  (and my poor hubby)

I'll try to get back on here next week, share some pics, talk about life, what's going on our here in the country - now that we're heading into winter & Christmas.  I feel like the Lord is working on me right now (I mentioned this before) please pray I listen to Him~

If you're actually reading this - after all this time, you are a true blogging friend ~ luv ya,


Unknown said...

YUP, read the whole thing. :-) Glad to see an update, I was wondering how you were doing.

Make sure, while in this weight loss thing, that they teach you about LIFESTYLE changes. (smaller portions, cutting the fat out, no fried foods, no white sugar, more veggies etc) And the importance of some form of exercise. (even just walking AFTER the dinner meal for example) The last thing you want to do, is have your children struggle w/weight later down the road.

Good luck! Have you called your dr AGAIN, to say you are still having problems? Still coughing a month later isn't normal, even w/asthma.

LLJ said...

Hi Lori!
Good for you in your plan to take better care of yourself! I had to start considering my diet and lifestyle too not because of my weight but because I was starting to be a mess! It wasn't easy to make these changes, but now I love it! I feel so much better. I would love to be an encouragement to you in whatever way I can!

It is hard to stop doing the ministry volunteering that you love. I have had to do that too and still sometimes I jump into something that should have waited for a different season.
Tali is so cute in that picture! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Oh, I wanted to add. I'm happy to see you are stepping aside from SOME church duties. You can't be expected to do everything. I've been there and done that, eventually it becomes a CHORE, and not something that you LONG to do like when you first started.

For a long time now, I've thought you've done too much, but until you hit that wall, and realize you DO too much, you will continue to do it.

jesnicole said...

Not sure what the above comment is regarding, but I wanted to say DITTO!!

For the past three years, I was Sunday school teacher, started ladies' Bible study and led it, director of VBS, along with being the Pastor's wife AND homeschooling. I did those things because I LOVED them....but it's never right for one person to be doing that much. People in the church have to step up. That's why we're called the BODY of Christ, not the "foot" of Christ. :)

Hope you get over this breathing stuff you're dealing with!! :)

Unknown said...

LOL jesnicole... sorry. Lori mentioned stepping aside and letting someone else do the children's choir. For a while now I've been thinking she's just been working too hard!

KarenB said...

I've checked back off and on to see what was happening. Life is so busy when you homeschool and manage a home(I do this also), then add in illness(which I too had recently), volunteering and other's amazing to me that you can blog at all. Good for you. And the weight loss thing: I'm right there with you. I just haven't been ready to commit to being fully commited and making a real effort to change those bad habits and start new, better ones.

Praying for guidance and health,

Karen in Kzoo

Michiganmommyx4 said...

Hi Girl!
I always love reading your blogs ♥ I too find myself not having time to blog although when I do I really enjoy it, such a creative outlet, ya know. I think it is awesome that you have decided it is time to take care of you too, being a mom we worry about everything and everyone and take care of ourselves last. I too need to lose a little weight, but my motivation comes and goes....UGH it is a struggle for everyone, but doing it with friends that can help you stay accountable is a good thing!
I love Tali's clothes, she is such a cutie pie! You guys have such sweet, and cute children, I really do like them a lot!
We would love to have Selah over again to play with Avery.
Anywho Ill pray for your health, and that you may hear exactly what God is trying to tell you, and I hope we can get together one of these days for come coffee ( or whatever) and girl talk! See you tomorrow, Kelly

Unknown said...

Thanks y'all~

The kid's Christmas musical is over now (it was wonderful - those kids are amazing!!) ~ so now it's time to focus a bit on my health, the kid's schooling (which is actually coming right along) & Christmas.

I'll try to be back on here later today or tomorrow.....
lots of luv~

Brooke said...

Yeah Lori! Like your new blog design...Hope that we can all get going on this health kick together soon!