Wednesday, February 24, 2010

~Giveaways Galore~

In the middle of winter (oh, please, don't let it be the "middle"!  I pray we're more towards the END....), these giveaways are a fun, quick way to add a bit of excitement!  It's always fun to get something FREE & cool in the mail~

So you know the drill:  head on over to Danielle's site, Finally Finding Me...I Think.  She having a mid-winter, um, LATE-winter series of giveaways called "It's All About the Kids" (check my sidebar for her buttons).  Here are a few I've entered, but there's more:

HAZELNUT KID:  natural, earth-friendly, wooden and organic cotton toys for children and babies.

FAIRY WONDERFUL:  adorable kids' boutique ~ mostly sweet girly things.

FUNKY MONKEY SNACKS:  snacks of freeze-dried, delicious fruit.

SOUTH OF FRANCE:  natural body care products.

CURIOUS CHEF:  kid-sized kitchen utensils

What did I say?!  Awesome giveaways, awesome products - different from your average stuff, ya know?!  And like I said, these are just the ones that *I* have entered - there's actually more!!

So go there now - once you've entered one giveaways, it's easy to copy & paste and enter a few more fairly quickly.  So have fun ~ and I hope you win!! (I hope I win too ;)

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