Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is it Spring yet??

Ok, seriously, I realize everyone is going through a bit of "cabin fever" or "spring fever" ~ but with five little ones who have seen *way* too much of the computer screen and/or t.v. screen recently, things are getting CRAZY!!!  I am *SO* ready for spring ~ some green grass and nicer temps.....and kids running outside....ahhhh~

But since that's not happening for weeks on end yet, let's focus on what *has* been happening around the homestead:

Yes, Elijah turned 3!  Can you believe I was REALLY preggo with him when we first moved to MI??  How can he be three!?!  Here he is with his family birthday cake - "There's a hole in this cake!?" - sorta a tradition around here now.  He was thrilled - look at that smile!

Here's big brother Isaac, 8 1/2 yo ~ now he's learning cursive.  I love his handwriting - that's kind of a random fact, but I do!  God knew *exactly* what He was doing making Isaac the oldest - what a terrific example for his younger brothers & sisters....such a blessing!!

Doesn't it look like he's posing?!  Micah Dean, not quite one.  A few teeth, totally weaned and already had his first haircut ~ everything is going by in super-sonic speed.   Please, please, slow-down.......:(

"Sisters. Sisters.  There were never such devoted sisters!"
Love me some sweet girly-girls!!  Selah will be 7 soon, and Tali will be 5 in May.
(btw, I am blown away with Selah recently.  I can't believe how her heart is really changing!?  She still has her moments - WHEW - but still, she's amazing!!)

Tali's hair - she wanted something "pretty".  I'm not all that great at hair, so this was pretty darn cool!!

I had to take some pics 'cause this is *so* not like me....;)

And here's some sweet chubby-love.....Awwwwww!!

Let's see, my hubby got himself some weed/bush wacker tools - so those pond weeds are HISTORY soon!  Pictures to follow.....hopefully, I'll be sharing some fishin' pictures in the spring!  Also, maybe some pics of a small garden.  Maybe.

But first, PAINTING!!  We will be doing some major color painting on the main floor soon.  Warm tones of reds, browns, favorites.  And since it's my house, my domain, I'm doing what makes ME happy...I can't wait!!  Good-bye boring white!

I'm sure there's more to talk about but it's getting late - doctor's appointment in the morning (prayers would be appreciated).  *yawn*  I'm tired - later gators.....;)


LLJ said...

ah! Cuteness!
I pray/hope your drs appt. goes well.

Danielle said...

I love the pictures! I'm getting antsy for spring now too. I am dying to get out and go running and I am not a winter runner. Also, you cannot post pictures of cakes like that! I am not even a big cake or sweets kinda gal but that thing looks incredible and has me craving some yummy cake now! Oh, and I can't believe Elijah is 3 already. I am going to miss him in the nursery so much. Brian and I are in there this Saturday and it just won't be the same without sweet little Elijah.

jesnicole said...

Sweet pictures!! Love the birthday cake! :)