Friday, December 21, 2007

HUGE mistake

How exactly do doctors make such a mistake is beyong me?!?!

My mom's cancer is not really cancer after all!!


I'm not exactly sure what it is/was but they biopsied everything and none of it was cancer. She still had the double mastectomy (that was planned before we thought the cancer had actually returned) and it appears to have gone well. The recovery is hard on her thus far, as she reacts badly to just about every medicine they give her.

Yet the doctors say she just needs to get through this recovery - no chemo!!

Anyways, that's the latest - and good news it is! Thank you God~
*Michigan Momma*

p.s. with another musical performance this weekend, plus Christmas Eve choir and a duet with hubby (hurray!), plus celebrating Christmas with my family, then leaving at 5:15AM the next day on the train - well, if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why. Hopefully, I'll post here and there at my folks. If not, talk to ya in a few weeks. God bless you my friends and Merry Christmas!! ~lori


Blended in Texas said...

That's SO awesome! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

What a good God we serve!! I'm so pleased for your family! Talk about an amazing Christmas present! I'm praying for your mom as she recovers!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!!

Love ya sister and take good care of yourself AND your mom!!!!