Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Homeschool blessings

Ok, if you homeschool, you know that supplies, even fairly inexpensive ones, can start to add up real fast. Before you know it, you are spending hundreds of dollars on curriculum that you're not even sure will work for your child. That's why so many of us search out used curriculum, trying to save a few bucks here, a few bucks there.

So when my wonderful dh came home a few weeks ago, with a large bin and a box of FREE homeschool supplies - I was thrilled! Each book I pulled out, revealed yet another homeschool treasure - whether it be a phonics program or a history workbook or cursive writing practice tablets or a devotional book just for homeschool mommas! Whoo-hoo!!

So here are just a few of the goodies I was blessed with recently ~ Praise the Lord!!

History workbooks/tests & writing/literature work (one by Ann Ward)

some basic books for teaching your children - various authors

guide books for early education - I will most likely be passing these on to my friends with little ones

Hooked on Phonics & Hooked on Math ~ you never know what will or won't work for a particular child.

some Rod & Staff Building Christian English Series books - Level 6

various science & Bible workbooks - some A Beka books ~yeah!!

Cursive writing tablets - it says Kindergarten, although I won't use them in K - I'm not sure when I'll start cursive

Cursive Flashcards

The Prairie Primer (utilizing "The Little House" series) & some A Beka Language Series books

Proverbs for Parenting ~ The Hidden Art of Homemaking ~ Devotions for Homeschool Moms

Some of my favorites: Teaching the Trivium ~ The Christian Homeschool ~ Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (which we immediately began using every day - they *love* it!)

Workbooks for Unit Studies ~ this will fit well with our family!

And honestly, that's just a sampling. Tons of homeschool magazines, pre-school stuff, a math backpack filled with manipulatives and a flipchart, and oh, what is that called, the Blessings Chart?? Is that right? Yup, from Doorposts. Very cool!!

Ok, just wanted to share - I'm so excited! Thank you Lord (and my wonderful hs friend @ church!) ~ now I just gotta get in there, go through everything and figure out our schedule for fall.......


Shari said...

Wow, it looks like you have some real treasures there. I'm planning on using 100EZ lessons as well when Katie shows some more interest in reading. I also like the Abeka and Rod and Staff stuff.


Barb said...

Wow! What a wonderful blessing!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm totally jealous now! Even though I have many of those on my own shelves LOL!! :o)

Julie said...

How fun! That Teaching the Trivium book has a lot of good stuff. Its heavy reading though. I have had it for a few months now and Im just getting half way through chapter 5. I paid almost $30 for mine so way to go getting it free!
Lots of great finds!

Wendy said...

Goldmine!! God is soooo good! So, how did your husband come across this free box of books and magazines? Just too cool for words! Thanks for sharing this huge blessing with everyone. I love it when people give the credit to the Lord!


Unknown said...

Oh, I guess I never did mention that. It was from another hs momma at our church. My dh is the Children's Pastor and I think when people have stuff to give away, they tend to think of us first. Which is great (most of the time)! Even if I have to pick through big bags of clothes or whatever, it's still a blessing!


p.s. I'm checking out your cool blog...

Elisabeth Black said...

I love that Edith Schaeffer book.