Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Coming & Going

Hello all~

Well, our family just got back home last night from a GREAT trip to the Creation Museum over the Labor Day weekend. It was lots of fun - the museum was, of course, awesome. So was the pool at the hotel - hard to say which the kids liked more, though I'm leaning towards the pool! Plus, we were able to take this mini-vacation with some dear friends of ours with three little girls of their own. We often got odd looks as our party of 11 headed into a resturant and requested 3 high-chairs! Hey, we had to eat!!

Today, before I was even able to get unpacked from our weekend - I spoke with my mom on the phone. I mentioned something about waiting until I'm with her for her to purchase a particular item (for the new baby) and she said "ya, when will *that* be? I miss you!". I decided right then that I could pack up the kids and drive down to visit them for the week. My poor sick (yes, sick, I forgot to mention he's been sick this whole past weekend - the really only bummer of the whole trip) dh has to stay home to work and get well. My dad has one week off left from his surgery recovery - and bonus! - their apartment pool is open one more week for the summer!! Yeah!!

So as soon as this last load of laundry gets dried, as soon as I get myself presentable, as soon as my hubby gets home with the van so I can pack it - WE ARE OFF!! How exciting!

So I'll be back next week with lots of pics from the Creation Museum and from our trip to NW Indiana. PLUS, we start home schooling next week. I've got a 1st grader, a K, a pre-schooler and a toddler - plus I'm preggo! WHEW......I'm tired already! *wink*


1 comment:

Julie said...

Lori, sounds like fun. I am hoping we can go to the creation museum next year in the fall.
Sometimes the best trips are back to back like you are doing.
Have fun and be safe!