Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Congratulations to you!

Yesterday, as I was putting my eldest son to bed, I mentioned what a great boy he had been that day. He told me that yes, he was trying to be good, trying to make good decisions - and that he had been "listening to God". I just got all choked up....

I kissed him and told him I might bake him up a snack cake the next day (mini-cakes made up in my new-to-me bread machine). He was very excited! So that's exactly what I did this afternoon.

As it was baking, as the smell was wafting through the kitchen into our homeschooling area, I told him that I had baked him his very own snack cake. Wow ~ he couldn't believe I was actually baking him a cake for being a good boy! Talk about excited!!

As it turned out, we did not get a chance to indulge in "Isaac's Snack-Cake" until AFTER Wednesday night services at our church - and by then, whew, he'd been dreaming about his very own chocolate snack cake for HOURS!!

So as we were bundling up in Dean's office at church, Isaac asked if he could get the very first piece of cake when we got home? Yes, Isaac, you can have the first piece.....

Then he says, "I've been thinking... (uh oh) ......maybe you guys could sing a song for me, for my snack cake, when we get home??" (said very modestly, not in a gloating manner - at least, not yet). Hmmmmm, a song, huh? Like what, Isaac??? Sing a little bit for me, so I know what you mean......

"Con-gra-tu-lations to you,

Con-gra-tu-la-tions to you,

Con-gra-tu-la-tions to ISAAC,

Con-gra-tu-la-tions to you!!"

He cracks me up.

Yet wouldn't you know it, his siblings thought it was a great idea and sure enough, they serenaded him with his very own "congratulatory" song as he enthusiastically dug into his snack cake!!

Well.....he really *is* a very good boy. Honest.

**I just had to add in a pic of Tali - she didn't eat much cake, so I missed a pic of her - but here she is enjoying the huge "bubbles" that came in a box to Daddy's office. She *loves* popping those bubbles~~


Anonymous said...

What a GREAT kid!!! :)

The cake looks yummy too! My bread machine cakes always come out tasting good, just short! LOL

Congratulations to you, Isaac!!

Anonymous said...

Love those babies!!

Anonymous said...

Hey :)
I like your blog, I'm sure I will find MANY great tips there.. :)
I do my own laundry detergent too, using ivory soap so far... Still working on my first batch from november...(Family of 2 so far!)
anyway I was thinking about using lavender oil too!! How does it smell?
can you really tell the difference?

here is my blog

Unknown said...

Hi TL,

Nice to "meet" ya!

As to the lavender essential oil - well, I put in the 10 drops and couldn't really smell anything (I could smell it when I was dropping it in the soap, but not while actually doing laundry). I added in a bit more and can now smell it *a bit*. I don't want to add too much though....yet maybe mine was just old (can essential oils get "old" sitting in the cabinet, in their original little bottle??).

I will try the other essential oil I have next time (red current & thyme, I think - it's supposed to be "rejuvinating"??). I love aromatherapy stuff, so I was hoping for more "smell". I'll keep trying~~