It's Homemade Apple Butter!
I got this recipe (and wonderful pics) from an IRL friend: Danielle @ Finally Finding Me...I Think
I *so* love apple butter - only get it here and there, when we happen to come across some at a market or an orchard or something. Maybe once a year, seriously. Yet I was kinda doubtful that any recipe I could make at home just wouldn't be *quite* as good. Ha ~ I was WRONG!
Here's the recipe - with some pics to show you how it looks along the way:
So, you start with 9 apples (my friend's were red, mine were yellow - didn't seem to matter), cored, peeled and chopped up. Throw 'em in your crock pot.
Now, add in all the other ingredients and mix well: 9 apples, sugar (use 2 cups), cinnamon (use 2 teaspoons), ground cloves (use 1/4 teaspoon) and salt (use 1/4 teaspoon).
Then all I did was turn my CP on HIGH for an hour or two - then down to LOW for the rest of the time. All together, you want this to cook for about 12-14 hours, depending on how hot your CP is. Mine is pretty hot, so I only did it for about 12 hours, my friend did hers for 13 plus she mashed a few big chunks out at the end.
You have to stir the ingredients every hour - so pick a day when you don't have anywhere to go - and stir away.
Here is my apple butter after having cooked for about 1 hour or so.
Here it is after a few more hours.
I then took the lid off and let it cool for a while (while I watched some Special Features on our Netflix movie). I then scraped it into two glass jars I had and voila!! APPLE BUTTER!!
The big jar is a peanut butter jar, while the little one if from salsa. I like to keep my glass jars when we are finished with an item "just in case".
Here it is the next morning, right before I spread it on my toast:
* butter wasn't soft that morning and I didn't have any patience to wait.
The results? FABULOUS! The taste? Exactly as I remember from the Amish ~ YUM!!
I'm so glad you like it! I have been thoroughly enjoying it everyday since I made it. So darn delicious. I'd say it's a perfect way to ring in the fall season, wouldn't you?!
I have been *searching* out ways to eat it, besides the obvious on-toast-with-butter. Which is oh-so good!!
If anyone else has new ways to eat apple butter, or a recipe that calls for it, please let me know. Otherwise, I will be forced to eat toast & apple butter every single day. *sigh* YUM~
I'm making this this weekend too!Thanks Danielle, yumm...Lori I was thinking it would be SUPERB on oatmeal for sure and as a sauce for Pork Chops...ok YUM! lol endless!! glad you both put you think I could double it or is it too full?
Sauce for Pk. Chops, eh???? That might be quite yummy as I am supposed to grill up some thick chops this weekend.
Last night we had some on crackers with cream cheese - YUMMO!!!!!!
Lori, I *think* you can replace oil in brownies w/apple butter.
I have some cooking in the crockpot right now. I hope it turns out as well as yours!
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