Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Mother's Helper

Have y'all heard of this??

Basically, it's simply a younger lady that comes into your home and gives you a hand here and there, while you are home.  We have had the pleasure of having a 13yo young lady stay with us the past two days, while my husband & I have been busy priming the downstairs drywall (still in process - LONG process!).

What a blessing!!  Not only can we work on our project while the kids are taken care of upstairs, but my children are very much enjoying their new playmate ~ they have been playing all sorts of games:  Wii games, dress up, princess stories, cars &'s all new when you've got another creative, imaginative friend to play with!

(photo by Isaac ~ he loves his lil' brother so much)

This young lady is quite responsible for a 13yo ~ she is the daughter of my lovely friend IRL, Leanne.  She has a beautiful family and she is quite the role model for me (homeschooling, mother of many, godly daughter of the King).  I am blessed to know her~

Thanks Leanne~


Tina said...

The mother's helper thing is much more common in Sweden than it is here. Glad you got it going for yourself! I remember several of these girls coming to our house. Mom would usually deep clean, or I would bake with her while the helper played with my younger siblings. Fun times!

LLJ said...

awe, thanks! I am so glad it is working out.

Danielle said...

That is so great! Leanne truly is an incredible woman of God and her children are absolutely wonderful as well.

Unknown said...

Good for you!!

Little Rose of Sharon said...

You have sure found a good friend\mentor in Leanne.
I know back when my kids were young I really counted on my little mothers helper. Now she has 5 children of her own. How the sands of time fall quickly through the hour glass.
