Thursday, January 7, 2010

Waiting for tomorrow

Do you ever find yourself doing this?

"Oh, life will be all settled and good once we move into that house."
"After we're done with potty-training, *then* we can enjoy ourselves."
"Once my husband gets that promotion...."
"When I buy _______, then life will be easier/better."

Where does that come from?  Is it procrastination?  I find myself doing that all the time.  "oh, after the holidays...", "maybe when the kids are a bit older...", "once we get through this hectic schedule for the next month...", etc.

Yet life is going on around me.  It's going on right here, in my house, with my kids, my husband, MY life.  Right now.

And if I'm not careful.....I'm gonna miss it.

I'm gonna miss it, waiting for *just* the right circumstances.  While I'm waiting, my babies are gonna grow up.  Before I know it, months, then years will have flown by....all while I was waiting.

So every once in a while, when I catch myself saying that phrase again, I have to STOP!  I have to stop and tell myself to be intentional.  Every single day.  Why do I get up in the morning?  Why do I put the effort and time into my family?  What is my goal?  Once I figure that out (or remind myself...again), I can stop putting off my life - waiting for some unknown "perfect" time - and get on with life.  Our life, here. Now. Today.

It's happening.  I just need to be intentional and make sure I'm a part of it!


LLJ said...

oh so true : )
loved the pictures!

Danielle said...

Oooooh, that stung a little. I think most of us are guilty of that, Lori. Now, to just be intentional, like you said. Thank you for the reminder.

Michelle said...

Hi Lori! I found your web through Danielle's! Thanks Danielle! I read this post and had to say Thank you for putting things into perspective! You are so right! Okay off to read more! :0)

Jeni said...

OH LORI that long flowing red hair...have I told you I always wished I had red hair that color? I'm sure I have! hee hee <3

Tina said...

I so needed to hear that just today, as I'm lamenting the loss of my "career". I gotten all caught up in the excitement of the corporate world, in the hectic pace of it all. Of the ability (and you can so understand this Lori) of being actually able to check things off your list that weren't just going to reappear the next day. I'm still going a million miles an hour, but now Jake's room is more 13 and not so much 5. And Luke only has clothes that fit him in his drawers. And Neal has an actual office of his own, not my Longaberger office that hasn't been used sine 2005 when I quit. It's good. I'm taking care of my family again. I had lunch at school with my boys twice this week. Because they invited me. "Mom, would you come to lunch? I always have a good day at school when you come to lunch!" Live your life each day. They grow up fast. I missed three years of lunch at school.

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