Sunday, April 18, 2010

Upcoming Changes

'Cause it's been, what, *forever* since I've blogged, right?!

I have a few ideas rolling around in my head about how to change the "focus" of this blog.  No, not any more attempts at specific day topics or trying to narrow down what I blog about.  I blog about life ~ whenever I can find time in my crazy life to actually blog, that is!

Soooooo......give me a few days.  I need to unpack from our vacation last week (we headed up north to a friend's cabin in the woods - AWESOME), and I need to get my kiddos back into the hs'ing swing - but then I'll be back.  No, seriously, I'll be back.

Hey, no wait, I'm serious.  Get back here!  Really!

Pretty please!?!

Give me a few days ~ see ya then!


Unknown said...

Cute pics of the kids :) Hope vacation was peaceful and relaxing. I am totally with you on the nature thing, it really gives you that piece of serenity enjoying all of God's creations! Have a great week.
:) Shelley

Tina said...

Glad to see you'll be back! Been missing me some Lori.

Michiganmommyx4 said...

Cant wait, cause I love reading your blogs!

Danielle said...

I'll be here! I LOVE the pictures. Such little sweeties.

Tereza said...

what gorgeous kids you have!!