Friday, December 28, 2007

Cabbage Patch Tali

My daughter is a Cabbage Patch Doll. Seriously.

Besides having a CPD named "Lizzy", when you ask my daughter to smile, she looks like this:

or this:

or sometimes, this:

She *is* the cutest thing EVER!!!
*Michigan Momma*


Thirdtimemomma said...

Wow, we do have a lot in common. :) How funny... Hoping you have a blessed new year. And prayin for your Mama's health. :) I've really enjoyed visiting your blog this last year.


SarahDee said...

Beautiful girl! I love Cabbage Patch Kids... too cute!

Unknown said...

I forgot to say I thought she does look like a CPK

Blended in Texas said...

So cute! I happen to love her little sweet. Also- praying your mom recovers quickly!