So happy to be pushed around the yard by his siblings!
Even when he's unhappy ~ he's still so stinkin' cute!
Can you see the cheesy-chin?! Gimme some more, Momma!
Yes, this is why our van is so *incredibly* messy...
Aw, it's homemade bread, so at least it's good for him ~
and the smile is totally worth all the vacuuming I'll have to do later!
Yup, I loves me some Micah Dean!
(approx. 15 months ~ summer 2010)
Oh, yea! He is a keeper! Kiss and squeeze that lil boy good for me! : )
What great candids. He's a cutie patootie for sure.
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Don't click on 'em, folks - I have no idea where they lead you to.....
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